I’m baaaaaack. & I introduce to you my creepiest & eeriest theme yet. I know some of you just click to see the pics so start scrolling. You’re gonna think it’s really creepy cause you’re not gonna know my process behind it. If not, listen to me explain. This was my last shoot in Tallahassee, Florida, my beautiful home for the last 4 years. It is with a heavy heart that I had to say farewell to this crazy college town. But I now have a very expensive piece of paper with my name on it & that’s insanely cool (thanks mom, dad & student loans). College was everything I could’ve hoped for & more. Saying goodbye to my life long friends whom I had spent every day with, grown up with, & lived with was the hardest thing I have ever done. Attending Florida State University was the best decision I have made in my 22 years of life.

Version 3

I had had this idea for a while & just sat on it until the very last moment possible. Literally did this shoot in between packing my entire apartment (& life) up on one of my last days in town. I chose this state park because anyone who lives in Tallahassee knows it & how basic it is. Sorry, but it is. Everyone knows Alfred B. Maclay Gardens as a sure place to get a good insta, spend a Sunday with bae, or get engaged at. I wanted to take a different turn for it though & show people something different. I started with my hair in perfect milk maid braids & then would slowly mess it up as the day went. My makeup started off normal then I would keep adding more glitter tears & more eyeliner to make it run. By the end of the shoot, I looked like a mix of a horror movie & Ke$ha. I wish you could’ve seen the terrified looks I got from people who were walking past me. Whatev, the end product is sick. I’ll probably do this makeup again for Halloween so keep an eye out:)

I wanted it to be dark but beautiful. Look at them quickly & you’d think it’s scary but look a little closer & you can see my tears. Then look even closer & realize it’s actually purple & blue glitter. Interpret it anyway you want they always say it’s not art unless it makes you feel something. I liked the photos better in B&W but added the last few in color so you could see the colors in the dress and what my glitter tears looked like by the end.

Happy scrolling friends.

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What I’m Wearing

Dress // Free People

Choker // made by Yours Truly

xx KT

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